Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Joplin Library Okay

I just wanted to let everyone know that those of us at the library are okay. All the employees made it through, we had 6 lose houses completely and others have damage. It's amazing how many library books we've already had to set to lost. The library had no damage luckily. I will try to keep everyone updated. It's been really crazy though.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Author Postings

I just had to comment that I've had 2 authors this month comment on my reviews of their books, which is so amazing. Every time I get so excited that an actual author is reading something I wrote, whoo-hoo. Stephen Fried, author of Appetite for America and Randy Russell of Dead Rules totally rock!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Happy Day!

Your cards, letters and petitions worked...the Missouri Library Association realized the conference could not go on without a Missouri Book Challenge presentation and found a spot for us! We thank the Conference Arrangement Co-chairs for their re-consideration of our proposal and look forward to seeing you at MLA!

The QuickWitLitniks of Springfield-Greene April Totals

Staff participating: 16

Total books read: 131
Total pages read: 34,325

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

St. Charles City County Library District

April Totals!

115 Books
38,676 Pages
16 Participants


Weren't we going to get some information about how the teams would be "weighted" to account for some teams being smaller than others?  I'd be interested in that as I think it could motivate my team, who are showing signs of losing steam in April.

Marshall Libraries United

April Totals
Books:  50
Pages: 15,643
Time: 129 hours, 30 minutes
10 team members

Monday, May 2, 2011

Missouri State Library April Statistics

Books read:  35
Pages read:  10205
Participants: 9

April Totals: Joplin Public Library

74 books read,
22, 098 pages
10 participants

Is anyone else suffering from lack of staff participation? I've tried various incentives, but we are at less than 25% staff participation. This month I read over half the books and pages of our total. How do you get people to participate?

Kirkwood Public Library Totals

Total Participants: 7

Total Books: 63

SCC Library April Totals

Participants - 7

Total Books - 15

Total Pages Read - 4,768