In November two people read twenty-two books with a total of 6921 pages.
Shirley read the most with eighteen books and 5401 pages, but for a change Jennifer contributed!
Great job everyone!
In November two people read twenty-two books with a total of 6921 pages.
Shirley read the most with eighteen books and 5401 pages, but for a change Jennifer contributed!
Great job everyone!
This month two people read twenty-three books with a total of 6021 pages.
Shirley read the most with twenty books and 5165 pages.
Great job everyone!
JCL read 58 books by 13 readers for a total of 19,823 pages in July.
JCL read 55 books by 12 readers for a total of 18,014 pages in August.
JCL read 44 books by 9 readers for a total of 11,867 pages in September.
JCL read 63 books by 10 readers for a total of 20,991 pages in October.
JCL read 52 books by 12 readers for a total of 15,940 pages in November.
JCL read 107 books by 12 readers for a total of 36,182 pages in December.